quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Digital Marketing, how far can we go?

"- I need to buy a red phone, but do not know where to buy!

- Well, Google search! "

Who never spoke or at least heard this phrase: "Google search"?

With the Internet boom and especially to Web 2.0, marketers have had to adapt to new tools created. Statistical data, according to Nielsen, which counts only in Brazil reached a number of 67.5 million users. It came a little something for the "marketers" worry: The Digital Marketing.

The Digital Marketing and Web Marketing are all actions done solely through the Internet that aim to broaden the business of a company and has the advantage of low cost.

Formerly it was just creating a website and some banner's excited that he was a good size for posting on the Internet. Today everything has changed, the Web Marketing companies started to invest primarily in social networks and Google.

- The Use of Social Networking

With Web 2.0 came the social networks where users are no longer just receivers of information and started to issue information. Already there are companies which own Web Marketing is the function of just working with the image of their clients on the web.Through social media can disseminate their peer competitors and still see what they say about your company.

- Google: Internet Domain

Google is undoubtedly the most accessed search engine in the world. Their field is so big on the internet, there are many companies that work for just putting the client's website on the first page of Google search (in other search engines, but with greater objective in Google). This area is called the set of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) expadiram where two other areas: SEO and Sponsored Links.

Is Sponsored links that appear on the first page of Google search for a particular tag, however this tag is paid per click on their website (here you can check the estimated price per click.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an area where they can improve their positioning in the search, only that without the cost of clicks as Sponsored Links. A SEO Analyst working only with what you have on your website by improving your website so that Google can find your page in different ways and thus the medium to long term your page will appear in the first pages of Google.

The Digital Marketing is being taken very seriously, the Internet is not like before. The Internet is certain profit, where a well-publicized surely turn it into profits that formerly was not possible. Now think, there are companies who make money making enterprises are able to make money on the internet. If you have a company and it is not the Internet, waiting for what? The future is here! And if you want to know more, Google search!

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